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The flowers don't chase the 🐝, the flowers just are and the bee's come! I AM the flowers! 🌻
#infiniteshaddai #witheachstrikecameabrighterlight #godsplan42 #thefearlessnessoffirst #god #mentalhealth #mentalwellness #philly #gemini #blackhistory
A female European Honey Buzzard Bird was fitted with a satellite tracking system in Finland recently and was of particular interest to locals because it spent the most recent Australian summer around the town of Reitz in the Free State in South Africa. She left Reitz to start heading north on 20 April and on the 2nd of June, she finally reached Finland where she will probably spend the boreal summer before probably returning again next season for a visit to South Africa.
Here is an image showing the data received from the tracker which plots out the route that
British photographer Jimmy Nelson travelled forty-four countries with an ambitious project to photographically rescue a diversity of tribes he considered and in his words "are doomed to disappear"...
Asia, Africa and Oceania encompass their journey incorporating the huaorani of Ecuador, mursis, kasajos, chukchis, gauchos, vanuatus etc.
Jimmy Nelson found the last members of the tribes and watched them, smiled and drank their mysterious brews before pulling out his camera.
Shared what real people share: invisible but palpable vibrations. The antenna was adjusted to the same frequency as theirs, the trust grew and
“ Père céleste je crois en toi et j'ai confiance en toi, mon cœur est si triste mais je sais que tu vas nous consolé, tu es le Dieu qui a libéré le peuple d'Israël durant 400ans, tu es le Dieu qui as guerri la femme qui saignait durant 12ans ,...père céleste tu as dis dans le livre d’exode « j'enverrai une main puissante pour libéré mon peuple » Seigneur nous avons besoin de ton aide papa” Amen 🙏🏾
Que le Seigneur Jésus-Christ étende sa puissante main pour venir en aide à ces innocents 🙏🙏🙏💔
Kavuma Dauda: My highest moment was at Britain Got Talent. I always want to challenge myself and set records. So we tried way back to apply and we started with America Got Talent, they accepted us and they invited us but by then some kids were in Uganda and others were in the USA so we couldn’t coordinate and we lost that chance.
Another time, they denied us a VISA for the USA.
#nbsupdates #nbspeopleandpower
The Sumerian city of Uruk is the oldest inhabited civilized city in the world 6000 - 4000 years before Christ, and from it, the first written letter was launched to all parts of the Earth.
From it came the first literary epic in history, which is the famous Epic of Gilgamesh, from which the name of Iraq was derived and in which the first domestication of poultry was recorded
The establishment of the irrigation system Agriculture and Architecture was also recorded, and the first written writing in history is the Sumerian cuneiform script written on a clay tablet.